Saturday, March 9, 2013

How water helps you lose weight

Drink water before meal

Water is great tool to curve your fat. Many experts and scientists recommend of taking water before your meal. Water makes you feel hungry and surely you eat less than before. "We think water helped better manage their hunger and contributed to feeling full," said Brenda Davy, PhD and senior author of the study, from Virginia Tech. She said the reason water may be so effective is because it fills up the stomach with a liquid that has no calories.

It was revealed in a Virginia Tech Study who drank two glasses of water before eating and lost more weight compared to those who skipped the hydrating step.

The study has shown the people taking two glass of water three times in a day before meals lose 5 pound extra on average.

Professor Brenda Davy recommend not to drink high sugary drinks. She said," People should drink more water and less sugary, high-caloric drinks. It's a simple way to facilitate weight management."

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